Who does a nosemask (facemask) really protect?

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Sorry for my silence. I had exams and then I went on Spring break and I had so much fun! Yaay!

So, you remember during the Ebola season (or Flu seasons usually) how people wore facemasks around because they did not want to get infected? Well, the truth about those masks is that they protect other people from the contaminated air YOU have to offer! Just kidding. But yes, they are effective enough to keep things in but they are not as effective when you would like to keep contaminated air from other people out. The facemasks can protect you against large droplets or splashes released from coughing and sneezing, or blood; as is the case with doctors, and keep them from contaminating you but however, the smaller particles would find their way in through the not-so-tight openings around the mask. This is not to say they do not provide protection at all from others, but it is just quite minimal.

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So, the only way to be fully protected would be to wear an actual respirator which should effectively protect you from contaminated air and protect people from your contaminated cough and sneeze. Otherwise, just constantly wash your hands at the slightest opportunity, remember to dab when you sneeze or cough and pray. Seriously, pray. Because, that may have been what has kept you safe all this while…lol.

Stay safe!


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