Does your skin itch you? Mine does!

Image result for skin cartoon
So, I got a question from a friend few days ago and she wanted to know what causes the skin to itch. There are quite a number of factors but the common ones are usually dry skin, allergies, or bites.

Allergies are usually immediate, especially after the body's very first response to an allergen (something that causes an allergic reaction); which is usually slow. The first response is referred to as initial sensitization and ‘sensitization’ here means the response of the body to an allergen! Anything after that happens fast! I hope I’m not losing you. So, in response to an allergen, the body releases a chemical called histamine that triggers the itching. You can take antihistamines to help with allergic reactions. I’m allergic to pollen, so I can relate.

The same goes for bites from insects and all those creepy things. The insect releases a chemical that triggers histamine production. So, stay away from bugs!!! Just kidding. They’ll find you anyhow.

Itching from dry skin could be really annoying. I know because I experience it; my skin is really dry. When people say I do not have pimples, I wish they know how badly I pay my dues by taking 2 minutes after a bath to ‘calm’ my skin down! For this one, your skin is just dry and cracked and you could moisturize regularly (I moisturize morning and night after every shower and that has helped). Hot water baths make it worse, so you might want to cut down on that. Use a mild soap and sponge too. Don’t worry, you’ll still be fresh! To learn more, read here


Interestingly enough, there is also the psychogenic itch influenced by depression or the complex reality of going crazy, but that’s all from the mind and caused by the release of chemicals that affect one's mood. If you itch, now you kinda know why and you might want to see a Dermatologist to prescribe something for you if it’s looking more serious than you thought. Any Dermatologists in the house?

Hope you learned something :) 


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