'Dried fruits have more calories'....True or Nah?

Hello dear Reader! How have you been? I’ve been well, a little stressed but nothing Jesus cannot handle *insert gospel hum*, thanks for asking! Anyway, I was looking through Facebook sometime back and I came across a post that warned people to stay far away from dried fruits because they contain more calories. I thought it was an interesting post and decided to look more into it. So, do dried fruits have more calories? Depends. If you are talking about processed dried fruits, then maybe, and that's because extra sugar is added to make them sweet. But naturally dried out fruits usually have the same amount of sugar they started out with. nytimes.com The fact is that the major difference between a fresh fruit and a dried fruit is the amount of water in it. When water is taken out of a fruit though drying, the nutrients (except Vitamin C which reduces as a result of the process) subsequently become concentrated. Doesn’t necessarily mean more or less sugar, just suga...