What you think is weight gain might just be bloating. Take a look

I’ve been there, done that, and have my gym clothes to show for it. There are times I have complained to my ever patient friends that I have gained weight, when in reality, I’m just bloated. There’s a difference between bloating and weight gain! Who knew? It’s not all the time that you gain actual weight, and by that, I mean fat. Weight gain could be caused by excess fat accumulating in various parts of the body, whereas, bloating is all in the tummy mostly caused by gas. And trust me, if it is weight gain, you’d know because it happens everywhere! Arms, face, thighs, even your eyes…just kidding. But yeah, everywhere because fat distributes evenly all over the body. You might suffer bloating if your sleeping habit changes (impeding metabolism), or you have a desk job where you have to sit for long hours. Also, you might notice your tummy swells after eating. No worries because that’s just you being satisfied (yum). But when it persists and even starts to hurt, that’s bloa...