Did you know cigarettes contain sugar?...and more facts about smoking!

I know there are a gazillion articles on the internet that scream the effects of smoking, and I know it seems rather unnecessary to add mine to the large pool. But that just shows how important it is to people who care that people who smoke know what they might be doing to themselves. I know that people smoke to relieve stress and feel good, but it really doesn’t help much. So, let me, Lucia (get it? Let Lucia...lol) tell you some facts about smoking I thought were interesting and hope that it changes someone’s mind. 1. Nicotine is an insecticide! Ahhhh! *screams in horror* Seriously, it is. I would have said to google it, but I will give you the information right here, cos I am nice *wink wink*. Nicotine actually is a natural insecticide found in the tobacco plant. The amount of nicotine in a cigarette has been increased to heighten pleasure. Even worse is the fact that half the ingredients in a cigarette are things you would find dis...