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Sadness is the emotion, Depression is the disease

I remember when I first moved to the US, I had a friend who I didn’t know was suffering with depression. I thought he was just weighed down with general issues of life, plus depression wasn’t a much talked about topic back home in Nigeria. He didn’t look sad when we hung out - or at least when he actually agreed to hang out- but when we got talking, he would tell me what was wrong and things that he was struggling with at the time. Trust me, it took a whole lot to get him to talk. So, I just thought he was sad and I would say all the nice things you could say to someone who is sad: Don’t worry, God has a purpose for everything, Let me know how I can help, etc. But I knew that I didn’t truly understand what was going on. In my head, he was just sad and soon, he would “snap out of it”. I noticed he was losing weight and looking more and more pale, but he would still muster a smile whenever we saw him in class, if he would even make it. Long story really short is, after some ...

Palm oil might not be as unhealthy as they say

Have you ever heard that palm oil is unhealthy? That it raises blood cholesterol or that it even CONTAINS cholesterol? This research took me a long time because I wanted to make sure I was looking through the right research papers. And from the information I found, it seems like the idea that palm oil is unhealthy came from just the fact that it is saturated fat. A researcher even claimed that that notion was developed as a way to boost the sales of vegetable oils. In other words, it was a political agenda that was orchestrated almost 40 years ago. Sigh! The reason why I got interested in this topic was because I have high levels of cholesterol (LDL) which seem to be genetic and hasn’t reduced (I’m still hoping it does as I get stricter with my diet and work out). As a result of this condition, I cut down on a lot of oils and food types, and palm oil was one of them. It was really hard because that’s a staple in Nigeria that I grew up with. But I just thought I should ...